
So, you bought a used car that’s in excellent condition. The dealer said that it was clean and that it has never been in an accident, but how can you be sure? Before you drive your car off the lot,READ MORE

If you’re mistakenly reported as dead by a credit bureau, there can be serious consequences on your credit. You may be denied when applying for a loan, find your credit cards canceled and your assets frozen, and even be deniedREAD MORE

Important Information Regarding Your Insurance “Credit Report”. The CLUE report is the report most used by insurance companies to underwrite your insurance applications.  In other words, if you have too many insurance claims, or false insurance claims, your CLUE reportREAD MORE

There are many types of personal injury cases, from medical and legal malpractice and car accidents to slip and fall, and product liability. What do all personal injury cases have in common? The injuries sustained by the victims are theREAD MORE

I’m honored to have been selected as a Southern California for the 15th straight year.  The selection criteria is rigorous and, by vote of colleagues and judges, you have to be considered to be among the top 5% of practicing attorneysREAD MORE

Uber and Lyft pull background checks on all people who apply to be drivers.  Unfortunately, many of the background checks have false information that an applicant has a criminal record. If you do not have a criminal record and youREAD MORE

An estimated 25% of consumers’ credit reports have errors in them serious enough to cause a denial of credit, according to studies referenced by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). Forty million mistakes which are difficult to correct are madeREAD MORE

Credit repair organizations are sprouting up like weeds and have been since the Great recession.  Americans are more conscious than ever before about the importance of having and maintaining good credit.  Without it, you will be treated like a poorREAD MORE

On Super Bowl Sunday, Experian will afflict you with more commercials for its “dark web” scan.  I have received a number of emails from clients and colleagues asking whether it’s worth it. My answer is: probably not.  Reason: if ExperianREAD MORE

  Originally Published By Super Lawyers (Read Full Article Here) U.S. Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr. was dubbed “probably the most influential” justice of the last century by no less an authority than fellow justice, and political foe,READ MORE