Electric Vehicle Lemon Law

Since the first American-made gas powered car debuted in 1896, gas vehicles have dominated the roads. But the recent rise in electric cars may soon make gas automobiles a thing of the past. 

With this disruption in automotive technology comes a new set of challenges, particularly for a state like California. Already the largest market for electric vehicles (EVs), California is home to 42% of nationwide EVs. That market is expected to grow exponentially in the near future, partly due to the state’s 1.5 zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) goal by 2025. 

But as the market expands, electric vehicle defects and recalls are becoming more prevalent. In April, several electric vehicles were recalled due to battery fires and explosions. And according to a 2022 Axios report, electric vehicles are more likely to have defects and need more repairs than traditional gas cars.

So, what does this mean for the California Lemon Law and electric vehicle lemon law cases? Read on to find out more.

The remedy you need

A “lemon” refers to any defective vehicle, from cars to SUVs to EVs. These defects can show up anytime from right after you buy your car to months and years later. From faulty sound systems, bad batteries, to malfunctioning navigation, if your electric vehicle has been in the repair shop more than on the open road, you’ve got a lemon. 

Tesla is by far the biggest offender, with two high-profile lawsuits in 2014 and 2016 for dangerous autopilot and touch navigation issues, as well as excessive repairs. But there are other companies getting into the EV industry, including: 

  1. BMW 
  2. Ford 
  3. Nissan 
  4. Mercedes

So, how do you win a new electric vehicle lemon law case? California’s lemon law clarifies that “lemon” vehicles must exhibit “nonconformities,” meaning defects covered by the original warranty. Therefore, you must show that the defect(s) compromised the use, value, or safety of your vehicle, and that you made a number of reasonable attempts to repair the defect(s). That’s why it’s important to keep any evidence of your repair efforts and service visits such as receipts, work order, and replaced parts.

If you think you have a lemon electric vehicle and are looking for an attorney in Los Angeles, call Robert F. Brennan. Auto manufacturers often push back on lemon law claims to minimize their financial losses and payouts. But we don’t back down and will fight aggressively to get you the best possible outcome of your case.

Does your car qualify?

California’s lemon law is one of the strongest in the country. Under the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, if your electric vehicle is defective, you are entitled to a refund or a replacement, all at the manufacturer’s expense.

Wonder if your car qualifies as a lemon? The Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan, lemon law attorney in Los Angeles, can determine if you have a case. If you choose to proceed, the next step is to file a legal claim against the electric vehicle manufacturer, including the make and model of your car. 
Robert F. Brennan knows electric vehicle lemon law inside and out. That’s why if you have a lemon electric vehicle, you need to call today for your free consultation. As we drive into 2024, don’t let a lemon car sour your new year. And for more help, check out our article on seven steps to take if you have a lemon.

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