Credit Fraud

Hello and happy March 8! My friend and consumer credit guru writes an excellent short piece on writing dispute letters to the credit bureaus. Remember, I FIRMLY recommend against online disputing, and I’ve published videos and other articles onREAD MORE

Can you say DISCRIMINATION? Credit giant TransUnon now has what it calls a “metro score,” where your credit score can now be affected by the neighborhood in which you live, regardless of your own credit history or bill-paying habits. Uhhh…..gee,READ MORE

Following the big “60 Minutes” piece, even the New York Times is jumping on the bandwagon. Check out NYT’s op-ed piece on credit report inaccuracies: EDITORIAL Victimized by Credit Reports Published: February 12, 2013 The companies that compile and sellREAD MORE

Hello Readers, I was asked to contribute to a article on parental responsibility for the medical debts of minor children, and the article ran today (10 Dec. 12) on I think it is an important topic for allREAD MORE

Hello Readers! As most of you know, when a credit bureau or a creditor fails to take effective steps to cleanse your credit report of identity theft derogatories, or fails to take steps to otherwise protect you from identity theft,READ MORE

Dear Readers, I hope your July is running smoothly. This is a must-read story, for several reasons. First, it highlights how the credit bureaus provide different credit reports with different information to their subscribers than they provide to consumers. Second,READ MORE

Here’s a good article on preventing ID theft by not carrying stuff around in your wallet that could facilitate an ID theft. Enjoy! Hey, stay cool out there! That overstuffed wallet of yours can’t be comfortable to sit on. It’sREAD MORE

From an excellent consumer protection attorney in New York, Jay Fleischmann:

A good article. The digital age gave birth to rampant identity theft. Learning more about how the thieves steal your identities is (no political or religious or moral issues intended) the very best birth control! The latest scams toREAD MORE

Debtors’ prisons were generally outlawed in our country in the 1830′s, but with corporate America flexing increasing power, they are making a return. A good thing? I think not. Corporate CEO’s never go to “debtor’s prison” when they over-borrow andREAD MORE