Our client Eric immigrated to the United States from China in 2001 with high hopes of furthering his business education in this country. Eric’s resume reads like a classic success story. He got his MBA from Cal State on scholarship,READ MORE

Quite often our clients learn the hard way that they “agreed” to give away some of their basic legal rights, including a trial by jury, when they purchased a new vehicle or telecommunications service, or other products and services. TheREAD MORE

Our firm has been specializing in the handling of lemon law cases for over 25 years.  For most people, the term “lemon law” probably connotes a defective car, but over the years we have seen a lot more lemons thanREAD MORE

RE-INSERTION VIOLATIONS: WHEN A CREDITOR, A DEBT COLLECTOR OR A CREDIT BUREAU RE-INSERTS FALSE OR DEROGATORY INFORMATION ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT. Our office has litigated a number of credit-damage cases in which the client disputed a delinquent account appearing onREAD MORE

Uber and Lyft pull background checks on all people who apply to be drivers.  Unfortunately, many of the background checks have false information that an applicant has a criminal record. If you do not have a criminal record and youREAD MORE

Consumer protection attorney Bob Brennan quoted extensively in Redwood Times regarding your legal rights if a manufacturer does not keep warranty repair facilities close to where you live. Read Full Article Here

An estimated 25% of consumers’ credit reports have errors in them serious enough to cause a denial of credit, according to studies referenced by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). Forty million mistakes which are difficult to correct are madeREAD MORE

Credit repair organizations are sprouting up like weeds and have been since the Great recession.  Americans are more conscious than ever before about the importance of having and maintaining good credit.  Without it, you will be treated like a poorREAD MORE

On Super Bowl Sunday, Experian will afflict you with more commercials for its “dark web” scan.  I have received a number of emails from clients and colleagues asking whether it’s worth it. My answer is: probably not.  Reason: if ExperianREAD MORE

EXPERIAN WANTS TO HELP YOU RAISE YOUR CREDIT SCORE…but there’s a catch: you have to permit Experian to view and monitor your personal bank accounts. Experian’s new product, Experian Boost, says it can raise credit scores for subprime consumers byREAD MORE